Inner Journey Home - Part One

with Don DeMercurio

Starts Wednesday, October 4, 2017

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8 Bi-Weekly Sessions: Wednesdays, October 4th through January 10th

Time:  7:00pm - 8:30pm

Dates: 10/4,  10/ 18,  11/1,  11/15,  11/29,  12/13,  12/27,  1/10.

Location: 100 Allens Creek Road, Suite 203, Rochester, NY

Fee: $320 per person (series)

Pre-registration required.

In this 8 week course, we will explore the fundamentals of what it means and what it takes to live a life grounded in Essence.

We will look at how these two aspects of our inner journey are about "waking up" and "growing up."

For most of us the inner journey begins with our longing to be free from pain and internal conflict. There is an inner-knowing, a recognition that our human condition of suffering is not our natural state. We know this because our deepest nature is Essence, which is the only thing that can resolve our issues.

"Waking up" is the process of seeing through the illusion of our egoic life. For most of us this is not a sudden process. Rather, it's a gradual process of seeing through the veils of the ego that block the experience of more subtle dimensions of ourself. When we speak of Essence we are speaking about the very fabric of our Being. Even though Essence is subtle, it has substance which can be experienced, embodied and come alive through our conscious presence. 

"Growing up" is about showing up wholeheartedly to whatever arises in our lives without judgement or control. Leaving behind the ego's need to be taken care of and the defenses that cause us to go to sleep on ourselves. This can only be accomplished when we realize and embody our Essence.

Without good information, an accurate orientation and a guide who can transmit the qualities and states of consciousness that the teachings are pointing to we can spend years of our life fruitlessly circling around concepts and images that never bring about the realization of our true nature. 

In Part 1 of this ongoing series we will focus on refining our sense of purpose, who we are and who we're not, the nature of the Soul and its relationship to ego and essence, the qualities and attitudes that optimize transformation, what living a life of Spirit means and what it doesn't mean. We will explore the difference between a child's view of Essence and a mature understanding of authentic Spirituality.

*For more information contact Don DeMercurio at or 802-349-8844.

*If you experience difficulty using the registration block on this page click here to go directly to the registration page.
